Most people residing in Nyanza and Western region areas believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction.
They cite the high cost of living, high level of unemployment, poor governance, poor education quality as some of the factors that are derailing the country.
This is according to a survey that was conducted by research firm Infotrak, which shows that 55 per cent of Kenyans are not happy with the direction the country is taking.
However 2% of Kenyans believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction due to bad politics.
At the same time 15 % of Kenyans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction due to the state of roads and infrastructure.
The majority of Kenyans who believe that the country is headed the wrong way are from the Nyanza region (63%) followed by the North-Eastern region(69%) and the Western region(57%).
The survey also revealed that most Kenyans believe that the harsh economic conditions in the county are due to mismanagement of the government followed by the Covid-19 pandemic, corruption and Covid-19 respectively.