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Singer Lady Maureen stranded in hospital because nobody wants her


Renowned Ohangla musician Maureen Achieng’ Otiu, popularly known as Lady Maureen, is stranded at a Kisumu hospital after being discharged.

Lady Maureen, who was admitted to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital early this year after being transferred from a hospital in Migori, was discharged on February 20, 2020.

Ms Nancy Achieng’, who has been taking care of the musician in hospital, claimed that the musician’s mother is reluctant to take her in following an earlier family misunderstanding.

Sickly Lady Maureen us upbeat and could be out of hospital soon

“The mother has barred me from taking the singer to her place due to an unresolved family issue,” she told the Nation on Tuesday.

Ms Achieng’ offered to take care of Lady Maureen after reading singer Akothee’s Facebook post asking someone to help the songstress.

Lady Maureen’s health started deteriorating about two years ago. She was admitted to St Francis Community Hospital in Kasarani, Nairobi, where she was diagnosed with hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure).

She was also admitted to Pastor Machage Memorial Hospital in Migori before being transferred to Jaramogi.

Ms Achieng’ described the singer’s condition as stable. She, however, said that Lady Maureen still needs to be assisted to walk around.

“I plan to get Lady Maureen a rental house and someone to look after her but the funds are insufficient,” she said.

She urged well-wishers to assist the singer.

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