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Sifuna Reminds Kalonzo, Mudavadi And Wetangula To Forget Raila’s Endorsement


The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) through its secretary-general Edwin Sifuna has told off Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula and Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi, urging them to forget about Raila’s endorsement come 2022.

According to Sifuna, the three leaders should seize the opportunity and apply to be the party’s flagbearers following their recent public notice advertising for interested presidential aspirants to apply.

Three weeks ago, various politicians at the burial of Mudavadi’s mother rooted for him to go for the top seat in 2022.

“If you know you cannot win without Baba’s support this is your chance. Come into his house, pick forms, apply, sit and wait. Or forever hold your peace,” Sifuna added.

ODM elections board had placed that advert on Sunday’s Newspapers where they extended an invitation to all members to apply through the party’s election board to fly its flag.

However, the ODM is set to charge a whopping non-refundable 1 million Kenya shillings to the party’s Kenya Commercial Bank in Lavington.


After paying, the applicants are expected to present their receipts to the Orange headquarters so that the same is processed.

Amani National leader yesterday lashed out at Raila, accusing him of dishonesty and breaching the 2017 promise of not contesting again in 2022.

According to Mudavadi, it was time for the Orange Democratic Movement leader to reciprocate his support having backed him over the years.

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