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Getting Broke Is Painful! Huddah Monroe’s Cosmetic Business Sucking Money Out Of Her Bank Accounts At An Alarming Rate


Huddah Monroe’s cosmetic business is yet to break even. The petite socialite launched her lipstick brand ‘Huddah Cosmetics’ in 2016 but she is still pumping money into the project.

In July 2021, Huddah announced the closure of her business. She explained that she was closing down for rebranding and would relaunch in 2022, she however noted that most products would not return.

“Can’t wait to rebrand! @Huddahcosmetics will close down for a few months and only Vamp lipstick. Make up remover wipes and a few others will be available le until we relaunch in 2022. So many products will never return. So take advantage of this 50% off sale 30-6 AUG,” Huddah announced.

Huddah is set to launch a new product on 14th February 2022, and has decided to promote it by offering to fly three lucky winners to Dubai.

“Rich beauty launching Monday 14th. Some of the products have a draw to win a trip to Dubai! With me! I’ll be taking 3 hotties with me. 1 manz 2 wo-manzzz!,” Huddah announced.

“Buy the products and scan! You might just be lucky one ……. I wanna give my Rich Gang my life experiences. So you can be motivated to be better. And want better,” she added.

Even though she is launching a new product, business has not been easy for Huddah. She complained that she has just been pumping money into her projects instead of getting profit out of it.

“When I got into hustling I thought money stays in the account lol! I didn’t know you gotta spend to make more. Life is fake,” wrote Huddah.

She added that;

“It’s that time again. Paying paying paying. I need a sugar daddy.”

With the cosmetic business not making her money like she expected, Huddah has tried her hand in a whole different business.

The petite socialite recently announced that she is now selling supplements that treat common men’s sexual health issues like low libido.

The socialite asked her male fans who are suffering from low libido to contact her privately as she had a solution for them.

“If you are a man and have low LIBIDO and want a high sex drive. NEED SPERM VITALITY. Increase your stamina. DM me even with a fake page. I’ll send you a package you sort that issue out …. YOU TOO MUST ENJOY SEX. HUNNAY!”

It doesn’t end there, Huddah appear to have money problems as she has also been complaining about being overcharged by Kenyan businesses.

Taking to her socials recently, Huddah lamented that business people in Kenya are unfairly overcharging her during this tough economic times in the country.

The petite socialite took to social media to complain that Kenyan online retailers quote higher prices for celebrities anytime they they order stuff from them.

Huddah said that Kenyan online retailers quote prices two or three times higher than that quoted for ordinary people.

She argued that celebrities are unfairly treated because business people have created a perception that they have a lot of money.

“People here (Kenya) think celebrities are not normal people lol! If you call or DM to order anything you are charged double or 3 times the original price. When my representatives call it’s cheap! I don’t call or DM these days, I let anyone else do that for me,” Huddah said.

She added that;

“You don’t see business people throwing money around we’d rather reinvest it. You can charge your sugar daddies that much because that is their money. This is my sweet and blood money, it doesn’t come cheap. And we surely not going to pay 3 times the original price because we are famous or we live a lavish life.”

Huddah made a lot of money from sleeping with rich men, in 2017 she was tricked into disclosing how much she charges for s3x – disclosing that she bills clients $10,000.

The socialite also makes money from club appearances, but of late no clubs in Kenya have been hiring her as she relocated to Dubai at the height of Covid-19 pandemic and at one point she vowed never to return to Kenya, but she came back nevertheless.

Huddah only returned to Kenya in late December 2021 after a nearly two year stay in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E)





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