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New York

Fire Razes Down Garissa County Assembly


A serious fire broke out today in the wee hours of the morning at the Garissa county Assembly, destroying properties of unknown value.

According to the eyewitnesses, the fire which began at around 8.30 am teared down the offices of the Members of County Assembly (MCAs), other wooden wooden structures at the premise and the Garissa County Assembly chambers.

The unfortunate incident was confirmed by Mohamed Ali, the Garissa County Assembly Minority Leader who said that it destroyed between 40 to 50 percent of the Garissa county Assembly.

“At the moment we cannot ascertain the cause of the fire. But it has destroyed 40-50% of the County Assembly. The County Assembly chambers and a whole building that hosted almost 25 departmental committees and relevant offices are almost completely destroyed,” said Mohamed Ali.

As a result, it was reported by Citizen that various entities from the fire county department and the military department had already visited the scene in a bid to contain and put off the fire.


This fire comes amidst investigations from the EACC about the allegations of irregular leasing of ambulance services by the Garissa County Government from the Emergency Plus (EPlus), which is owned by Kenya Red Cross. The governor and members of his assembly were set to be charged following evidence linking them to those corruption allegations.

However, the cause of the fire still remains a mystery with investigative officers trying to unravel what really transpired.

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