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Shocking : Massive Corruption in Siaya County Unearthed .


Siaya county will never develop with this kind of thuggery ,Rarieda.com  was disturbed by  massive corruption in Siaya county openly conducted by a number of  Ward Administration Officers .

Cornel Rasanga Amoth (Siaya Governor )
Cornel Rasanga Amoth (Siaya Governor )

Rariedad.com  talked to victims of flooding in Sifuyo, Ugenya. Whereas Governor Cornell Rasanga announced on Ramogi Fm breakfast show on Thursday 8th May, that every family affected by flooding would get 4 GoroGoro of Maize one GoroGoro of beans and cash of sh 1,000,the flood victims in Siginga village in Sifuyo received only one GoroGoro of Maize small blueband tin of Maize and only sh 500 shillings.

“These Ward administrators in Ugenya are now becoming too much, they are shameless in their stealing,” says a victim in Siginga village who spoke to Raried.com .


With the enactment of the new constitution 2010, which gave birth to devolution, the governor was given powers to appoint a representative by the name Ward Administrators as the representative of office of the governor in a form moving county services closer to the constituents.

The Siaya based website says that the Ward Reps are now getting out of hand in looting. 

In Siaya county since the  inception of county government, we have had cartels in the name of ward admins, looters of public funds and the blockers of justice to whom they supervise.

Details emerging from the county assembly PAC committee revealed how ward admins colluded with some county government officials (rogue) to rob PMCs millions of shillings.

Records presented on the floor of the house revealed how some former MCA’s were also part of the loot, a random check of one of the wards in Alego Usonga sub county revealed how PMCs who were supposed to get over ksh.50,000 were robbed by the then ward admin only to be paid ksh.1500 each, the balance shared between ward Admin and other accomplice.

Scenario two was revealed in ward bursary committees where ward admins have been pocketing their allowances. A random check of one of the wards in Rarieda revealed how ward admin only gave half of the mandatory allowances to the committee members, and ended up even to fluctuate exact committee members to 12 when in real sense they are 7 and pocketed payments of the ghost committee members.

Scenario three is the most devastating one. County government gave support to the recent flood victims in Ugenya, Alego Usonga and Bondo sub counties, some through the ward admins. A random check in one of the wards in Ugenya sub county revealed how a ward admin pocketed almost 100k belonging to the victims only to woodwind them that they were given the amount he submitted.

The scenarios are numerous and endless where ward admins of Siaya county have become cartels, subverts of justice, and looters of public funds which should be paid to hardworking relevant committees.

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