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Wrangles in ODM Bondo branch over party leadership


Wrangles have emerged amongst ODM Bondo branch officials over a recent threat by a section of the officials who threatened to oust Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda from the area’s party leadership.

A section of the grassroots officials led by the Organizing Secretary Mr. George Ochieng’ Mawere had threatened to oust the MP from the party’s branch secretary post for allegedly being disloyal to the party leadership.

This has however been dismissed and strongly condemned by another section of the party’s grassroots leaders led by former MCA Nicholas Aneme who says that those people have no mandate of issuing such threats.

They stated furthermore that the branch executive committee meeting that allegedly resolved that the MP should be relieved of his responsibilities as the party’s branch Secretary was irregularly convened since the mainstream officials who are the bonafide persons that can call for such meeting were not even aware.

The faction that is perceived to be allied to the MP Gideon Ochanda, have also threatened to oust the party officials who convened the meeting that discussed and proposed for the removal of the lawmaker from the party posts.


They denounced the resolution that were arrived at in the first meeting and singled out the party’s Women Representative Julie Okelo together with former nominated MCA Rose Angule whom they want to relinquish party posts over alleged misconduct.

Youths from Bondo constituency led by Mr. Charles Ndaga have however castigated the two factions, noting that they were creating an unnecessary political heat in the constituency at the expense of development.

Mr. Ndaga stated that instead of engaging in unnecessary political wrangles, the party officials need to give their elected leaders time to work especially now that people are still suffering as a result of COVDI-19 and the recent floods that displaced several families across the constituency.

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