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Abenny Jachiga’s ‘Secret Wife’ promised roof over her head by Akuno


By Otieno Oscar (Japis)
West Asembo ward MCA Hon. Ambrose Akuno has offered to construct a decent house for Jesse Nyar Butula-the late ohangla musician and composer known for his ‘Mano kasinde debut’ second and ‘secret’ wife at their rural home in Chiga, Kisumu County if the late musician family members agrees to his plea.
Controversy have not stopped following the late rising ohangla star Bernard Obonyo famously known as Abenny Jachiga whose fans knew for his unique and well-crafted melodic song ‘Mano kasinde’ to the grave.
Days after his burial a controversial lady Jesse Nyar Butula-A benny’s supposed secret wife-took to social media and flooded her page with screenshots of their conversation and several photos capturing their intimate and good times with the late musician to prove that she was not making wild allegations.
Since little was known about her and owing to the fact that their perceived relationship was a secret, little or no attention was given to her by the family who only recognized Belinda Aluoch as the only widow left behind by the ohangla star.
This incident caught the attention of the MCA describing it as a show of rejection and negligence and the member of the Siaya County Assembly offered to channel support to Nyar Butula and to construct her a decent house at Abenny chiga home, if the family approves such provision.

West Asembo ward MCA Hon. Ambrose Akuno


Hon. Ambrose offer came as a consolation to the late musician’s secret widow because he had a different point of view in the manner in which Nyar Butula was handled.
According to Hon. Ambrose, Luo culture, and traditions recognize polygamy and it’s no violation if a man chooses to have a second either secretly or in the consent of the family members.
“Luos are well known for practicing polygamy, and it is even on records that the Late Akuku ‘danger’ a luo from Ndhiwa had 100 wives. It’s our culture and having a second wife whether secretly or openly doesn’t change her ownership. She is your wife and in any case, she deserves fair treatment” Hon. Ambrose explained.
He further added that “I am not advocating for secret relationships and polygamy, but if such a case exists, thus we should embrace a just treatment on such. I, therefore, believe that Nyar Butula should be considered and that’s why I have offered to construct a decent house for her as Ben’s second widow if the family agrees”.
Many of his fans embraced his hit song with a cult like devotion. Apart from his masterpieces, report of his sudden death and hurried burial overloaded his audiences with lots of emotions. His chaotic fans wouldn’t allow the musician planned burial to go on peacefully, turning his home to a battle ground with law enforcers something which forced the authorities rethink a another burial strategy and returned his body to the morgue.
According to his only brother Austine Omondi, the late ohangla maestro felt sick twice before succumbing to kidney related complications and was also buried twice with the later done contrary to many of his funs expectations, by policemen at wee hours of the night, in Chiga, Kisumu East Sub County. His first planned burial was marred with chaos from his fans. Only his brother Austine Omondi witnessed his burial.
Abenny’s death happened in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic when the county government of Kisumu had restricted public assemblies and processions. This made his first planned burial chaotic as its handling by his rowdy fans undoubtedly presented huge problems for the responsible authorities.
According to Kisumu County authorities the epidemiology of COVID19 contributed to the problem of denying Abenny a decent burial as his supporters would have demanded. They cited the rapid spread and public health directives to be the reason for his late night burial.

Hon. Ambrose defended her stand to be purely philanthropic owing to the fact that the Late Abbeny Jachiga was a member of Luo Music Bank forum where he is serving and supporting the musicians as their patron.

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